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Configuration Guide

Configuration File

MKV Episode Matcher uses a configuration file located at:

  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.mkv-episode-matcher\config.ini
  • Linux/Mac: ~/.mkv-episode-matcher/config.ini

Configuration Options

# Required Settings
tmdb_api_key = your_tmdb_api_key
show_dir = /path/to/shows

# Optional Settings
max_threads = 4
open_subtitles_api_key = your_opensubs_key
open_subtitles_user_agent = your_user_agent
open_subtitles_username = your_username
open_subtitles_password = your_password
tesseract_path = /path/to/tesseract

Command Line Configuration

All configuration options can be set via command line:

mkv-match \
  --tmdb-api-key "your_key" \
  --show-dir "/path/to/shows" \
  --season 1 \
  --dry-run true \
  --get-subs true \
  --tesseract-path "/path/to/tesseract"

Environment Variables

You can also use environment variables:

export TMDB_API_KEY="your_key"
export SHOW_DIR="/path/to/shows"
export OPEN_SUBTITLES_API_KEY="your_key"

Configuration Priority

Settings are loaded in the following order (later overrides earlier):

  1. Default values
  2. Configuration file
  3. Environment variables
  4. Command line arguments

Detailed Options

TMDb Configuration

tmdb_api_key = your_api_key

The TMDb API key is required for: - Show identification - Episode information - Season details

OpenSubtitles Configuration

open_subtitles_api_key = your_key
open_subtitles_user_agent = your_agent
open_subtitles_username = username
open_subtitles_password = password

Required only if using subtitle download functionality.

Performance Settings

max_threads = 4

Adjust based on your system's capabilities: - Default: 4 threads - Minimum: 1 thread - Maximum: Number of CPU cores

OCR Configuration

tesseract_path = /path/to/tesseract

Required for processing image-based subtitles. Common paths: - Windows: C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe - Linux/macOS: /usr/bin/tesseract

Make sure Tesseract OCR is properly installed before using this feature.