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Basic Usage Guide

This guide covers the fundamental workflow for using Lightroom AI Tagger.

Workflow Overview

  1. Prepare your images in Lightroom Classic
  2. Close Lightroom Classic
  3. Run the tagger
  4. Review and import the keywords in Lightroom

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Prepare Your Images

  • Ensure your images are properly imported into Lightroom Classic
  • Organize images into collections if desired
  • Make sure all images have XMP sidecar files enabled:
  • Go to Catalog Settings > Metadata
  • Check "Automatically write changes into XMP"

2. Run the Tagger

Basic command for processing a Lightroom catalog:

lr-autotag --catalog "path/to/catalog.lrcat"

Or process a folder of images:

lr-autotag --image-folder "path/to/images"

3. Review Results

The tool will: - Process each image through the AI model - Generate relevant keywords - Update XMP sidecar files - Create a JSON report (optional)

Example output:

Processing image 1/50: DSC_0001.NEF
Found 15 keywords
Added new keywords: landscape, mountain, sunset, nature
Total keywords: 15

Processing image 2/50: DSC_0002.NEF
Found 12 keywords
Added new keywords: portrait, indoor, lighting
Total keywords: 12

4. Import Keywords in Lightroom

  1. Reopen Lightroom Classic
  2. Select the processed images
  3. From the menu: Metadata > Read Metadata from Files
  4. Review the imported keywords in the Keywording panel

Tips for Best Results

  • Use the --threshold option to adjust keyword sensitivity
  • Start with --dry-run to preview changes
  • Use --max-keywords to limit the number of keywords per image
  • Keep Lightroom closed while processing to avoid conflicts

Common Workflows

Batch Processing New Images

lr-autotag --image-folder "new_photos" --threshold 0.3 --max-keywords 25

Testing Settings

lr-autotag --catalog "catalog.lrcat" --dry-run --output "test_results.json"

Overwriting Existing Keywords

lr-autotag --catalog "catalog.lrcat" --overwrite